Limited Government and Free Markets
less government, MORE FREEDOM
Feena Bonoan is committed to addressing this key issue through innovative policies and solutions that prioritize individual freedom and limited government intervention.
Limited Government and Free Markets
Position: Reduce the size and scope of government to maximize individual freedom and economic opportunity.
Strategy: Deregulation and decentralization, emphasizing the benefits of innovation and competition in free markets.
No Foreign War Aid
American Tax Dollars Stay In America
There are far more noble causes right here in our own country that affect our citizens and we should be addressing like access to clean drinking water.
No Foreign War Aid
Position: Oppose using taxpayer dollars to support foreign conflicts.
Strategy: There are moral and economic arguments against foreign war aid such as non-interventionism and fiscal responsibility.

Term Limits
Pass the Baton
US Senators become millionaires in one term on salary alone. Two terms is enough, if you couldn’t do what you came to do in twelve years it’s not going to happen in eighteen.
Term Limits
Position: Congress needs term limits to promote political diversity and reduce corruption.
Strategy: If you are frustrated with the political status quo, term limits is a mechanism to ensure governmental accountability and refresh political leadership.
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Cannabis Legalization
Give The People What They Want
Cannabis prohibition has been an issue for decades causing more harm than good for far too long.
Cannabis Legalization
Position: Support the legalization of cannabis, treating it as a matter of personal choice and medical freedom.
Strategy: Broken futures and broken families are the failures of the War on Drugs. Decreasing the judicial system is only one of the economic benefits of legalization. Cannabis has positive medical implications and belongs in the same classification as other medicinal herbs like St. John’s Wort.

Energy Race
A Sustainable and Abundant Future
Feena Bonoan is committed to addressing this key issue through innovative policies and solutions that prioritize sustainability, accessibility, and value.
Energy Race
Position: Encourage innovation in the energy sector to address environmental concerns and energy independence through market-driven solutions.
Strategy: Propose incentives for clean energy research and development, stressing the importance of energy diversity and sustainability without government mandates.

Shall Not Be Infringed
Guns are scary, they are supposed to be. Guns are tools that must be handled correctly and never played with. This tool’s purpose is important enough it got its own amendment.
2nd Amendment (2A)
Position: Champion the right to bear arms as a fundamental aspect of individual liberty and self-defense.
Strategy: Share stories of self-defense and responsible gun ownership. Advocate for educational programs on gun safety and oppose regulations that infringe on the 2nd Amendment.
Women’s Health
The fact that people argue about when a pregnancy becomes a life is a testament to how little women’s health has been studied. In the last century we have had many reproductive advancements, from the various forms of birth control and an abortion pill, to IVF, 3-D printed wombs, surrogacy, and even biological males giving birth, there is no reason to force a woman to carry to term an unwanted child.
Position: This is a complex issue within libertarian circles, often balancing individual liberty with the rights of the unborn.
Strategy: We need a respectful and nuanced debate, supporting policies that minimize the need for abortion through education and access to contraception, without imposing broad government mandates.

Anti-War Stance
Feena Bonoan’s Stance on Key Issue
Feena Bonoan is committed to addressing this key issue through innovative policies and solutions that prioritize individual freedom and limited government intervention.
Anti-War Stance
Position: Oppose foreign military interventions that do not directly defend national security and advocate for a diplomatic approach to international relations.
Strategy: Campaign on the cost of war—both human and financial—and the benefits of peaceful conflict resolution and non-interventionist foreign policies.

Medical Freedom
COVID is over but we aren’t healed.
There were plenty of mistakes to go around and a lot of bad things happened. We lost trust in each other, it is going to take time and new leadership to fully heal as a country.
Medical Freedom
Position: Support individuals’ rights to make informed choices about their health care without government interference.
Strategy: Advocate for policies that increase access to a variety of health care options and oppose mandates that restrict personal choice.
Open Borders and Immigration Reform
Lucky We Live in America
Anyone who has moved more than 200 miles from the town they grew up in knows that a move like that takes planning, money, hope, and a kind of bold courage that is America. People that are come to America want a better future and opportunity to prosper, they are coming to build communities, businesses and to thrive with us as our neighbors.
Open Borders and Immigration Reform
Position: Advocate for an immigration system that welcomes individuals seeking opportunity and freedom, reminiscent of the Ellis Island era, but with modern efficiency and security.
Strategy: Propose a “Build a Better Door” policy focusing on streamlined, humane immigration processes that respect individual dignity while ensuring national security. Emphasize the economic and cultural benefits of immigration.
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No Bail-Outs
Bad Businesses Practices Deserve to Fail
Feena Bonoan is committed to addressing this key issue through innovative policies and solutions that prioritize individual freedom and limited government intervention.
Canceling Bank Credit Cards
Position: Question the role of large financial institutions in society and propose alternatives that empower individual financial freedom.
Strategy: Clarify this position to focus on reducing the influence of big banks and exploring decentralized financial solutions, like cryptocurrencies, that offer more control to individuals.

Reforming Insurance
Feena Bonoan’s Approach to Another Key Issue
Explore Feena Bonoan’s proposed solutions to one of the key issues facing our society.
Reforming Insurance
Position: Advocate for an insurance system that offers more choice and competition, reducing regulatory barriers.
Strategy: Focus on solutions that increase transparency, reduce costs, and provide better coverage options for consumers.

Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)
Don’t Hurt People and Don’t Take Their Stuff
Libertarians reject the use of force or fraud to achieve political or personal goals.
Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)
Position: Promote the NAP as the ethical foundation of all policies, emphasizing voluntary cooperation and the rejection of force.
Strategy: Use the NAP to unify your positions, showing how a commitment to non-aggression informs everything from foreign policy to domestic law enforcement.